Midterm Exam Format
All midterm exams will be given in discussion section (in-person). Exams will be (mostly) free response questions. You have 50 minutes. They must be completed during your discussion section time.
Exam 1
- Tuesday, September 28
- Covers 12.1-12.6, 14.1-14.8 (omit 14.2)
Exam 2
- Tuesday, October 26
- Covers 14.1-14.8 (omit 14.2) and 15.1-15.9 (omit 15.4, 15.5)
Exam 3
- Thursday, November 18
- Covers 15.1-15.9 (omit 15.4, 15.5), 13.1-13.3 and 16.1-16.4
Study Resources
Previously, this course was offered with two midterms and a cumulative final exam, instead of three midterms. The practice questions below are aligned with the 2 exam model but are provided as an additional study resource. Note: our exams will cover 14.5, 14.8 and 15.9. Resources more aligned with our calendar are provided in HuskyCT.
Exam 1 Practice Problems (solutions) Covers 14.1-14.7 (omit 14.2, 14.5), 15.1-3
Exam 1 Review from Text Covers 14.1-14.7 (omit 14.2, 14.5), 15.1-3
Exam 2 Practice Problems (solutions) Covers 15.6-15.8, 13.1-13.3, 16.1-16.4
Exam 2 Review Exercises Covers 15.6-15.8, 13.1-13.3, 16.1-16.4
Final Portfolio
The final portfolio assignment is in lieu of a final exam. You will be asked to explain several different concepts in your own terms as well as solve a variety of problems. This should be worked on individually. The work you submit should reflect your individual understanding. The assignment will be given before Thanksgiving break and is due Monday of Finals Week. Most of the work should be typed but can include several images of handwritten work. These images should be clear and easy to read. Your typed work will be submitted using plagerism scanning software. More details will be provided later in the course. It is due Monday, December 13.