There will be three exams in total:
- Exam 1 (Wed Feb 22, worth 15% of your final grade)
- Exam 2 (Mon Apr 3, worth 15% of your final grade)
- Final exam (date TBA, worth 30% of your final grade)
Exam 1 and Exam 2 are in-class exams, 50 min each. Final exam duration is 2 hours (date, time and location TBA).
You should consider the date of the final exam when making travel plans at the end of the semester. Please note that your final exam schedule can only be changed with permission from the Dean of Students.
Exam policies
- You must attend the time you signed up for at the beginning of the term. Make-up exams will not be given.
- Calculators are allowed (but not a TI-89 or equivalent or anything more powerful than this). If your calculator can do symbolic calculus, then it is not allowed in the exam. Calculators that are too powerful will be confiscated for the duration of the exam.
- You can not use a smartphone, tablet, computer or any other resource during the exam.