Math 2110Q – Multivariable Calculus (Fall 2019)


Two- and three-dimensional vector algebra, calculus of functions of several variables, vector differential calculus, line and surface integrals.


MATH 1132Q or a score of 4 or 5 on the Advanced Placement Calculus BC exam. Recommended preparation: a grade of C- or better in MATH1132Q. Not open for credit to students who have passed MATH 2130Q or 2143Q.


The textbook for the course is Multivariable Calculus by James Stewart (8th Edition), which is bundled with a WebAssign code for doing online homework. This book consists of Chapters 10-17 of Calculus: Early Transcendentals (8th Edition), so if you already have that version from Math 1131Q and/or 1132Q, then you are all set (specifically you will need Chapters 12-16). Please see the link below for textbook purchasing options and prices.

Math 2110Q Textbook Options


We are no longer using i>clickers in this course. If you purchased one solely for this course, please return it; you will not need it.

WebAssign Homework, Quizzes, and Worksheets:

WebAssign Homework: To access the homework you will have to go through Husky CT. In your account you will find a link to do your homework using WebAssign. There will be homework assignments for each section of the text. Each assignment will be made available on WebAssign several days before the section is covered in class. The due date for each assignment will be set by your instructor and will generally be two or three days after the material is covered in class. You will get five attempts for each question that is not multiple choice and fewer than five attempts for each multiple-choice question; the exact number of attempts will depend on the number of choices. After each attempt, you will be told whether your answer is correct or not. If you are not able to get the correct answer after your initial attempts, we recommend that you seek help from your instructor, the Q-Center, a tutor, or another student before attempting to answer the problem again.


Life happens. If you have a day where you forgot about an assignment on WebAssign being due, you have a little over 1 day from the deadline to request an automatic extension. These extensions are automatically granted and will allow you one more day to complete the assignment at a penalty of 20% off anything completed past the deadline.


Questions on WebAssign will not necessarily be covered in lecture or discussion. This is a 2000-level math course, and you are expected to use resources like your instructor’s office hours and the textbook to help discover answers to new, more involved questions. This will be particularly true of questions on the worksheets.


Warning: When accessing your online homework, use Firefox or Chrome as your browser; there are problems that can occur if you use Internet Explorer or Safari. Useful tips on using WebAssign can be found here.


Quizzes: There will be a 15-minute quiz most weeks during discussion that will cover material from the previous week. You will not be allowed to use a calculator, book, notes, or any other resources. Problems from the worksheets may appear on quizzes and/or exams throughout the course.


You will have an opportunity to rework and resubmit your answers to each quiz to get back up to half the points missed. Your graded quizzes should be returned to you the discussion after they are taken, and the corrections are due one week later. Quiz corrections will not be accepted late under any circumstances. You must also submit the corresponding worksheets for each quiz completed in full; if any problems are not completed, your quiz corrections will not be graded and your grade on the quiz will remain unchanged.


Worksheets: Worksheets are provided that are intended to help you practice and master both the concepts and calculations for this course, and they will often be started and worked on in your discussion section. Worksheets that are not completed during discussion should be completed as homework. Worksheets are not graded, but again, problems from worksheets may show up on quizzes and/or exams. You may work on the worksheets by yourself or with other students in the course. If you have a good understanding of the worksheet questions and can explain them to a friend (try it, it’s harder than you think), then you are likely doing well in the class.


Late Work Policy: Late work will not be accepted, and there will be no makeup quizzes. Exceptions will only be made in University-approved absences and missed quizzes may be excused in these events. The lowest scores on at least one homework and quiz will be dropped to accommodate any absences or issues that may arise throughout the semester. Please notify your instructor of any planned absences well in advance if at all possible.


Do not wait until the last week of the course to discuss grade issues or missed quizzes!


Homework     WebAssign   10%
Quizzes     In Discussion   25%
Exam 1: (October 2nd)     In Discussion (50 min)   20%
Exam 2: (November 6th)     In Discussion (50 min)   20%
Final Exam:  (Date and Time TBD)     Common (2 hours)   25%

Note: If you are in the Honors discussion section, then your grading in the Quizzes category for the course works slightly differently. Each week (except exam weeks and the first week of classes) you will complete an in-class activity that will be due for completion at the start of the following discussion. There will be 11 of these and will comprise a total of 10% of your grade (we will grade your best 10, i.e., the lowest score will be dropped). You will also take quizzes each week, which will count for 15% of your grade. Together, these will account for the same 25% of your grade as the quiz grade for other students in the course. However, if you do not complete at least 9 out of 11 of the in-class activities and submit them for a grade, you will receive a final score of 0% out of 25% for Quizzes in your final grade. This means your final grade for the class will be at most a 75% (letter grade of C), which means you will fail to earn Honors credit for the course. In the event that you miss a day of discussion with an in-class activity, please talk to the instructor about how to make up the work.

How to Study for This Course:

  1. Attend lecture and discussion class. Be actively engaged.
  2. Read the explanations and examples in the textbook.
  3. Do the online homework in a timely manner. Don’t start it late and rush through it; you may not finish it, and you won’t learn much this way.
  4. Ask questions. Attend office hours. Reach out if you need help, early and as often as needed!
  5. Watch supplementary videos on the material to see and work with more examples. These can be found on the Learning Activities tab.
  6. Use technology as an interactive tool to learn and explore the properties of surfaces and vector fields. A few helpful links can be found on the Learning Activities tab.
  7. Do problems that you have not previously done and/or do problems without knowing what section they came from. For example, if you do a problem from Section 15.8, then you already know that it would be a good idea to use spherical coordinates. If you are instead given a triple integral to set up or evaluate without any knowledge of the section it came from, you have to decide if you should use Cartesian, cylindrical, or spherical coordinates, which is significantly better for your studying and mastery of the topics.

Calculator Policy:

Calculators are NOT allowed during quizzes or exams.  You are welcome to use calculators while working on worksheets or WebAssign assignments. Using a calculator on a quiz or exam will result in a warning or a penalty, which could include a score of zero on that quiz or exam and being reported to Community Standards for academic misconduct.

Academic Integrity:

“A fundamental tenet of all educational institutions is academic honesty. Academic work depends upon respect for and acknowledgement of the research and ideas of others. Misrepresenting someone else’s work as one’s own is a serious offense in any academic setting and it will not be condoned.” A student who knowingly assists another student in committing an act of academic misconduct shall be equally accountable for the violation, and both shall be subject to the sanctions and other remedies. See the Uconn Student Code, Appendix A.

All students shall act in accordance with the Student Code at the University of Connecticut, which states that: “Academic misconduct is dishonest or unethical academic behavior that includes, but is not limited to, misrepresenting mastery in an academic area (e.g., cheating), failing to properly credit information, research, or ideas to their rightful originators or representing such information, research, or ideas as your own (e.g., plagiarism).”

In particular, this means that any work you submit in this course should be your own. It is expected that you will struggle with various aspects of this course, and you are encouraged to seek help from me, your peers, the Q Center, and other sources in understanding the concepts and computations. However, you are expected to turn in work that reflects your own understanding of the topics and ideas. Therefore, your work should not bear resemblance to that of any other student in the course or to any other sources used, and any ideas used for which any other party had a share in developing should be cited as such.

For example, it is a good idea to look at examples in the text, notes, or online for problems similar to the one you are stuck on, and looking for ways to adapt the ideas and methods to your current problem. In the interest of both your learning and academic honesty, I do not recommend searching for solutions to the specific problem you are stuck on. However, if you search for solutions to a specific assigned problem, you will need to carefully cite your source and also write up a solution that is completely in your own words and honestly reflects your own understanding of the ideas (i.e., without looking at the solution, or possibly even at any notes you took while viewing the solution).

Consequences of academic misconduct include, but are not limited to, a zero on the assignment or exam and/or a grade of F in the course. If you are unsure that what you are doing to complete the work of this course is acceptable, contact the instructor for helpful tips and advice on how to protect your work and ensure that you are not violating the academic integrity policies of the instructor, the course, or the university.

Student Support Services:

  • Dean of Students 486-3426 The office serves as an advocate for students and as a centralized resource for connectingstudents with appropriate university and community programs, offices and individuals. The office supports students in resolving educational, personal and other university concerns that affect the quality of their academic or community life and personal goals.
  • Center for Students with Disabilities  486-2020 (voice),  486-2077 (TDD) The Center for Students with Disabilities (CSD) at UConn provides accommodations andservices for qualified students with disabilities. If you have a documented disability for which you wish to request academic accommodations and have not contacted the CSD, please do so as soon as possible.