Math 1030Q – Elementary Discrete Mathematics (Spring 2023)

Course Coordinator (Storrs): Anthony Rizzie

Course Catalog Description and Prerequisites

Course Catalog Description: Topics chosen from discrete mathematics. May include counting and probability, sequences, graph theory, deductive reasoning, the axiomatic method and finite geometries, number systems, voting methods, apportionment methods, mathematics of finance, number theory.

Course Prerequisites: Recommended preparation: MATH 1010 or equivalent. Not open for credit to students who have passed any MATH course other than MATH 1010, 1011, 1020, 1040, 1050, 1060 or 1070.

Goals for Math 1030Q

One of the main points of this course is for students to improve their reasoning and problem-solving skills. The main focus will be on discovering and exploring ideas rather than following procedures.

Some Advice for How to Succeed in Math 1030Q

  • Become an active participant in the class. Ask questions. Participate during class activities. Do your best to keep up with the material. Come to office hours. Work on assignments as soon as they are assigned.
  • Spend some time reading and engaging with the textbook. It is better to use a notebook to keep track of your progress. For instance, one could write down questions that come up and, so, it would be easy to come back to them at some point. It is also a good idea to write down important concepts in order to involve all types of memory during the studying process. In any case, you should approach problems and explore them without worrying about being correct all the time.
  • Work with other students in this class during in-class activities and on assigned problems. Also, you should try to build a little community to discuss the issues and questions you have in and outside of class.

Course Materials and Resources

Class Webpage: The main online resource of this course is the course page in HuskyCT. Go to Click on “Login” and sign in using your UConn NetID and password. Click on “MATH-1030Q-Elementary Discrete Mathematics.” Please visit the HuskyCT site regularly.

Textbook: Mathematics Beyond the Numbers (2nd Edition) by George T. Gilbert and Rhonda L. Hatcher. The textbook can be purchased digtally from the publisher here: