I would advise you Sir, to study algebra, if you are not already adept in it: your head will be less muddy, and you will leave off tormenting your neighbors about paper and packthread…
— Samuel Johnson
-Group projects, handouts, sample exams, etc. |
Coping with math anxiety
-A great article for you
Math links for information and fun -Find out the links between math and everything:
-To take with you to your next Q course |
Important Contacts
Name | Section | Office | Office Hours |
Sarah Glaz
sarah.glaz@uconn.edux (remove end x) |
Faculty Contact | MONT 230
(860) 486-9153 |
Maria Gageonea
maria.gageonea@uconn.edux (remove end x) |
Instructor, Section 001
TuTh, 8:00-9:15, MONT 113 M 3:35-4:25, MONT 113 |
(860) 486-3595 |
General Information
Math 1011Q is a course designed to serve as preparation for all the other Q courses offered at UConn. It emphasizes two components, the mastery of each is equally important for success in any course employing mathematics. The first component is made up of the collection of fundamental algebraic concepts and their manipulations. Most of this material is taught in High Schools and Community Colleges under the name Intermediate Algebra or Algebra II. Math 1011Q covers this material using a college algebra approach. The second component consists of using these algebraic concepts for solving multi-step problems from other disciplines. This practice is called Mathematical Modeling, and is the part of the course that gives Math 1011Q its unique interesting flavor, liveliness and usefulness beyond a usual Intermediate Algebra course. Students work on mathematical modeling projects in small groups. Math 1011Q is the permanent replacement for the course formerly numbered Math 101. Math 1011Q earns students 3Q credits which count towards graduation.
Who should take Math 1011Q
All students whose high school algebra needs reinforcement. In particular, students who did not take a course in Intermediate Algebra prior to enrollment at UConn, or had taken such a course and obtained a grade of C or lower, or had not taken a course in mathematics for a number of years, are strongly advised to take Math 1011Q, before attempting to enroll in any other Q Course. It is a small investment of your time, that earns you 3 Q credits which count towards graduation, and repays you with a successful completion of your other Q courses at UConn.
![]() |
Intermediate Algebra by K. Elayn Martin-Gray, 7th edition
Available at UConn’s bookstore in a package that includes a Student Solutions Manual |
Calculator Policy
A simple scientific calculator, for example TI-30Xa, is required. No calculators are allowed during exams or quizzes. All calculations required in these instances can reasonably be done by hand. Calculators will be used for mathematical modeling group projects using real data, and other in-class and homework assignments where hand calculations may be too time consuming.
You are expected to attend all classes. To encourage attendance there are occasional assignments due at the end of the class, or one-question quizzes at the beginning of the class. You are responsible for everything that happens in class. If you miss a class, you are expected to find out what happened either from your Instructor or from your classmates. You are also expected to work outside of class about 4 hours per week. Most of all, I hope that as the course progresses you will get excited about what you are learning and delight in your own, perhaps unexpected, ability to solve mathematical problems.
Individual homework assignments are assigned after every section, collected on the first class of the week, and returned the following class. These appear in the Outline table, linked above. In addition there are weekly assignments of group projects provided as handouts in class. Group assignments are graded, individual assignments carry exam points (this will be explained in class). The majority of homework assignments are done outside of class, but we devote 30 to 50 minutes every week to questions related to difficulties in the homework. You are encouraged to work with other students in this class on all your homework assignments.
Tutoring Options
You are welcome and encouraged to come to your instructor with any difficulties arising in this class. If you have difficulties coming to the scheduled office hours, talk with your instructor about finding another time when you can meet. If you feel you need additional help, there are a variety of other tutoring options:
UConn Q Center | Free drop-in tutoring available at the Q Center’s various locations. Check the Q Center’s website for schedule. The Q Center also maintains a list of private tutors. |
Helpful Websites | These websites providing help in the form of explanations, examples, and online answers to questions.
Ask Dr. Math: At the Math Forum @ Drexel University Khan Academy: Click on Subjects at the top, then Math, Algebra II |
Grading Policy
Homework, Quizzes, and Group Projects: about 12%. Each Exam (including the Final Exam): about 22%.
Academic Integrity
A fundamental tenet of all educational institutions is academic honesty; academic work depends upon respect for and acknowledgment of the research and ideas of others. Misrepresenting someone else’s work as one’s own is a serious offense in any academic setting and it will not be condoned. Academic misconduct includes, but is not limited to, providing or receiving assistance in a manner not authorized by the instructor in the creation of work to be submitted for academic evaluation (e.g. papers, projects, and examinations); any attempt to influence improperly (e.g. bribery, threats)any member of the faculty, staff, or administration of the University in any matter pertaining to academics or research; presenting, as one’s own,the ideas or words of another for academic evaluation; doing unauthorized academic work for which another person will receive credit or be evaluated; and presenting the same or substantially the same papers or projects in two or more courses without the explicit permission of the instructors involved. A student who knowingly assists another student in committing an act of academic misconduct shall be equally accountable for the violation, and shall be subject to the sanctions and other remedies described in The Student Code.
Support Services
- Counseling and Mental Health Services 486-4705 (after hours, use 486-3427)
- Career Services 486-3013
- Alcohol and Other Drugs Education Office 486-9431
- Dean of Students Office 486-3426
- Center for Students with Disabilities 486-2020 (voice), 486-2077 (TDD)
Important University Policies