Math 1131Q — Calculus I (Fall 2017)

Description: This course is an introduction to differential and integral calculus, which is the mathematical language used in any science concerned with dynamically changing quantities. The main topics it covers are limits, derivatives, integrals, the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, and some basic applications of these ideas.

Prerequisites: Passing score on the Calculus Readiness Test.


The textbook for the course is Calculus Early Transcendentals, Single Variable by James Stewart (8th Edition), which is bundled with a WebAssign code for doing online homework.

BUYING THE BOOK AND WEBASSIGN ACCESS CODE: you can buy the bundled version of Calculus Early Transcendentals, Single Variable by James Stewart (8th Edition) either at the UConn Coop or online directly from the publisher. Both the text and the Webassign code are required for this course. The unbundled version of the book (that is, the book without a WebAssign access code) can be obtained in many places, but the cost of buying the unbundled text and the WebAssign code separately may be significantly greater. How can you decide which version of the text to buy?

  • If you plan to take Math 1131 or Math 1131 and 1132 only, then you should purchase the single-variable version of the textbook.
  • If you plan to take Math 1131, 1132 and 2110, then you should purchase the heavier book Calculus Early Transcendentals by Stewart (8th Edition) that has chapters on multivariable calculus in the table of contents.

There are three ways to purchase the text and the WebAssign access code:

  • Get the text and WebAssign access code bundled together at a discount from the publisher for either single variable (1131/1132) or multivariable (1131/1132/2110).
  • Get the text and WebAssign access code bundled together at the UConn Co-op.
  • Get the text separately from anywhere, and buy the WebAssign access code when you access your homework through HuskyCT.

We do not recommend using the third option above, because it is more expensive to buy the access code and the text book separately than bundled together. The option to buy the text and WebAssign access code bundled together lets you use that access code for the life of the edition of the textbook.

Graphing calculators: TI 82, 83, 84, 84 plus, 85 or 86 may be used. Models TI-89 and above (including TI-Nspire) are not permitted on the exams or quizzes.

i>clicker Registration:

Clickers will be used in the lectures. You must register your i>clicker by visiting the link through the lecture section of your instructor in HuskyCT. You can buy the physical clickers at the UConn bookstore. We do not use mobile apps for clickers.

Homework and WebAssign:

Homework: To access the homework you will have to go through Husky CT. In your account you will find a link to do your homework using WebAssign. There will be homework assignments for each section of the text. Each assignment will be made available on WebAssign several days before the section is covered in class. The due date for each assignment will be set by your instructor. You will get five attempts for each question that is not multiple choice and fewer than five attempts for each multiple choice question; the exact number of attempts will depend on the number of choices. After each attempt, you will be told whether your answer is correct or not. If you are not able to get the correct answer after your initial attempts, we recommend that you seek help from your instructor, the Q-Center, a tutor, or another student before attempting to answer the problem again.

Warning: When accessing your online homework, use Firefox or Chrome as your browser; there are problems that can occur if you use Internet Explorer or Safari.

Discussion and Worksheets

Discussion sections provide an opportunity to ask questions about content from lectures and WebAssign, and explore examples that provide different perspectives and more depth. There will be a worksheet corresponding to each section of the book that you will normally begin working on in discussion, then finish and turn in at the beginning of a later discussion section. You can access the worksheets at the Learning Activities tab at the top of this page. The worksheets are designed to reinforce and strengthen your knowledge and understanding, and provide practice with writing coherent, well-reasoned answers to questions. The majority of the grade for these worksheets will be based on completion of the exercises, and parts of exercises on each worksheet will be graded in detail for correctness.

The due dates for the worksheets will be announced by your TA, who should be contacted if you have questions. The worksheets are due in discussion section and should generally be completed before arriving in discussion on the due date. Write your name on each page of the solution and staple the pages together before submitting them to your TA.


  • There will be a quiz each week in your discussion class. These quizzes will be for 15 minutes.
  • The quiz in the first week is on precalculus. Each subsequent quiz will test students on material that was taught in the previous week.
  • Quiz make-up policy: a student is allowed to make up a quiz only if there is personal/family/medical emergency with justification. Athletes who travel on behalf of the university must provide a letter/email from their athletic advisor in order to be allowed to take a make-up quiz.
    Opportunity to redo the quizzes
    In the first discussion section after each midterm, the students will have the option to resubmit solutions to the “block” of quizzes given before that midterm. Here are the guidelines on submission and grading of these quiz redos.
  • In each quiz redo, a solution to every problem from that quiz block should be included, even those for which the student made no mistake.
  • Each quiz redo will be graded for completeness only, so providing solutions to all problems earns 100%.
  • A student who doesn’t submit a quiz redo will still get a grade. It will be the average of quizzes in that block.

Exam information

There will be three midterm exams, all taken in discussion section and all will be multiple choice. 

The final exam will be a mix of multiple choice and free response questions.


Homework (online)     WebAssign   8%
Quizzes (in discussion)     Discussion   20%
Worksheets (written)     Discussion   8%
Clicker responses     Lecture   4%
Exam 1: 2nd Discussion Meeting, Week 4     Discussion   12%
Exam 2: 2nd Discussion Meeting, Week 8     Discussion   12%
Exam 3: 2nd Discussion Meeting, Week 12     Discussion   12%
Final Exam       Common (2 hours)   24%

Makeup Policy: In general, you will not be allowed to make up any exam, quizzes, homework or worksheet. In circumstances where you have a medical, family or personal emergency which prevents you from submitting your work on time, a proof in the form of doctors’ note excusing you from work (because of medical emergency), or an email from your parent (about family/personal emergency) will need to be provided.  If you are an athlete who will miss class time, quizzes, homework, worksheets or exams, you will need to ask your athletic advisor to send an email to your instructor and TA stating the circumstances for the absence.

How to study for this course

  1. Attend lecture and discussion class.
  2. Read the explanations and examples in the textbook.
  3. Watch videos ( Each video lasts 8-15 minutes and covers some of the difficult and/or critical concepts.
  4. Do online homeworks and discussion quizzes. Remember to follow these tips! WebAssign Tips
  5. Revisit Concept Questions (
  6. Review with Flash Cards (