Math 1011 Outline (Fall 2017)

Section Topic  Individual Homework Assignments
Introduction Math-autobiography
Chapter 1
1.2 Algebraic expressions and sets of numbers page 16-17: 1,5,7,31-36,59,61,73,78-80,83,97
1.3 Operations with real numbers page 28-30: 1,9,11,17,21,27,31,35,37,45,47,53,67,73,79
1.4 Properties of real numbers page 40-41: 3,9,15-20,41,47,55,76,80,105,109
1. Calculate 15% of 723.
2. If 9.8 is 12% of your grade, find your grade.
3. Find the height in meters of a person 5’6″ tall.
Group Project Are irrationals rational? after 1.2
Group Project Calculate your BMI after1.4
Group Project Analyze newspaper circulation If time permits
Chapter 2
2.1 Linear equations in one variable page 57-58: 1,11,13,17,23,26,35,43
2.2 Introduction to problem solving page 65-70: 1,5,11,13
2.3 Formulas and problem solving page 75-78: 1,5,53
2.4 Linear inequalities and problem solving page 87-90: 1,3,7,11,43,45,59,63
2.6 Absolute value equations page 102-103: 5,9,15,21,53,57
Group Project Algebraic poetry — Lilavati’s swarm after 2.2
Group Project Algebraic poetry  — The rose-red city If time permits
Group Project Calculate your income after 2.4
Exam  1
Chapter 3
3.1 Graphing equations (include material from 3.3) page 129-131: 1,3,5,7,9,17,19,27,33,37
3.2 Introduction to functions page 142-146: 1,3,11,23,25,29,35,37,53,55,57,59
3.4 The slope of a line page 164-168: 5,23,29,31,41,43,64,69,71,95
3.5 Equations of lines page 175-178: 1,13,25,41,42,44,47
Group Project Hurricane season  (and Tracking Chart) If time permits
Group Project Three swimmers after 3.1
Group Project Cigarette ads after 3.4
Group Project Life expectancy after 3.5
Chapter 4
4.1 Linear equations in two variables page 216-218: 1,3,9,17,21,77
Group Project Which Honda should you buy? If time Permits
Group Project Photos of all sizes after 4.1
Exam 2
Chapter 5
5.1 Exponents page 267-268: 7,13,19,25,33,49,69
5.2 More exponents page 273-274: 1,5,7,21,24,55
5.3 Polynomials and polynomial functions page 284-287: 17,23,35,45,47
5.4 Multiplying polynomials page 293-295: 1,7,23,25,29
5.5 The greatest common factor page 299-301: 3,9,11,13
5.6 Factoring trinomials (use quadratic formula for roots from 8.2) page 308-309: 15,25,27,47
5.7 Factoring special products page 314-315: 1,13,41,45
5.8  (partial) Solving quadratic equations (via quadratic formula and roots) page 327-331: 5,9,13
Group Project The largest box A Special Largest Box (Spring 2006) (after 5.4) 
Group Project Factoring trinomials completely after 5.7
Group Project Free falling from bridges If time permits
Exam 3
Chapter 6
6.1 Multiplying and dividing rational expressions page 351-354: 1,17,37,41,47,63
6.2 Adding and subtracting rational expressions page 359-361: 7,21,30,31,33
Group Project Calculate your areas If time permits
Group Project Calculate your lottery winning after 6.2
Chapter 7
7.1 Radicals and radical functions page 423-425: 3,9,19,25,39,43,45,53,75
7.2 Rational exponents page 431-433: 1,11,19,29,39,41,47,51,61,65
7.6 (partial) Radical equations page 460-463: 1,9,11,13 (with 7.2),53,59 (with 7.1)
Group Project Skid marks after 7.6
Group Project Run Fido, Run! If time permits
Chapter 9
9.3 Exponential functions page 567-569: 2,5,18,20,21,27,35,37
9.5 Logarithmic functions page 581-582: 29,31,41,45,51,69
9.6 Properties of  logarithms page 587-589: 1,9,17,21,35,43,53,55,57
9.8 (partial) Exponential and logarithmic equations page 599-601: 11,27, 28 (with 9.5),31,32,33 (with 9.6)
Group Project The black bear population after 9.5
Group Project Puzzled by Logs? after 9.8
Optional Topics
5.1 Scientific notation page 267-268: 102,104,109,125, 128
5.2 More scientific notation page 273-274: 69,73
Group Project Very large and very small numbers
4.2 Linear Equations in Three variables page 224-225: 5,7,9,13
Group Project Tacos anyone?
9.7 Logarithms and Change of  Base page 594-595: 15,21,27,39,45,47
Group Project How long it takes to double your money? If time permits
Final Exam